Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 7:35pm via ZOOM online.

Minutes: Presented minutes from online ZOOM meeting January 5, 2021 meeting.

MOTION by Garry C., seconded Curly H., to adopt minutes from January 5, 2021 meeting, carried.


Financial Report:

MOTION by Larry C. to adopt financial report, seconded by Ian P., carried.



-Dwayne D. mentioned that the AFGA sends out weekly e-newsletters and encourages us to read it.

-Dwayne D. wanted to let everyone know that the LDFGA received a thank you note in the mail from Project Mapleseed.


Committee Reports:

Memberships 960 LDFGA, 458 Outdoor, 183 Indoor. Discussed putting an ad on the radio, as well as social media. Dwayne D. will be getting the radio ads together. Tawnya gave a general overview of advertising on social media and the different ways to do it. Keith mentioned that the more people engaging in the content, the more it reaches people (Example: liking a post, sharing a photo). It was discussed that a sub-committee be created for the social media, this will consist of Tawnya, Mike, Keith and Carlo

FundraisingMike provided an update and ideas for fundraising. We can do target draws with prizes. Possibly sell a sticker or patch to be entered into the draw. This is not considered a lottery, and a random name will be drawn. We can set up Facebook groups for these type of fundraisers, and it doesn’t always have to be firearms related as well. This will take some organizing so a sub-committee group was created which consists of Keith, Janelle, Mike and Curly. Larry mentioned that we should create a separate account for fundraising if we are dealing with eTransfers.

Youth Outdoor Activity DayNR.

Indoor Range Dwayne D. mentioned that he has been talking with Adam about the guest pass at the gun ranges. The prices were discussed last meeting. Keith reported that the last time he opened, the activity was good, with about 5-6 people. Keith also mentioned that we were running low on cardboard and thanked Dwayne K. for bringing some more. Keith followed up with the email that was sent out, when he was testing ammunition at the range. Keith will test both the 9mm and .45 ammo. Dwayne D. also mentioned that the Covid regulations are being extended, some Saskatchewan ranges have closed due to this.

Outdoor Range Dwayne D. mentioned that the plow on the quad works great. Be careful around the sidewalks and with and drops. Mike mentioned that a steel target broke and that he will fix it.

Conservation Camp NR.

Scholarships-   NR


Habitat/Gordon Leslie Project / Trout Ponds NR

TrophiesAb E. has finished all the trophies. They will get picked up at Wildside Outdoors. We have asked that the recipients take a photo of themselves with the trophy and send it to Tawnya. Ab and Ian to facilitate dropping off the trophies to Wildside.

Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show – This is cancelled for 2021.

Archery Club / Youth Center Youth Programs are up and running at a reduced rate as per Covid-19 regulations. Dwayne D. mentioned he got the propane tank filled. We need to have a protocol in place to watch the propane and designate a person for this. Keith has volunteered to do this.

Banquet Dwayne D. mentioned that the drive-thru banquet is good to go. It will either be on Feb 26 or 27. Carlo mentioned that Sunday evenings would be a good option too, so Dwayne will ask about Feb 28 now.

Fish Fry – Possibly host the fish fry as a drive-thru in April.

Bills to be Paid:

MOTION by Jeff F. to pay outstanding bills, seconded by Gerry R., carried.


Old Business:

  1. Mike H. provided an update for the Rapid Fire events and that he received a $380 quote for the full kit of targets. Fees need to be discussed, if we will charge non-members different compared to LDFGA members. In regards to having bullets not leave the range, Mike mentioned that once the bullet hits the steel it will turn to powder/fragments. Dwayne D. would like to run this by the CFO as normally our targets need to be enclosed.
  2. Wildside Outdoors said they will look after the line card fundraiser for the knife from SWF. Larry has this and will deliver to Wildside after February 5.
  3. NR on signs or targets.
  4. Dwayne D. mentioned that provincial donations will be limited. Alberta’s contingency is still in the works. Saskatchewan has their online conference on Feb 20.


New Business:

Host election for the final available 2021 Two-year Director Position. Dwayne read the rules for the election.

Garry C. is appointed the Elections Officer. The three-person voting committee to tabulate the votes will be Tawnya, Carlo and Brian.


The following nominations were presented:

Two-year Director Position: Dwayne Keichinger – Nominated by Andrew N.  Dwayne K. accepts the nomination

Two-year Director Position: Darrell Peters – Nominated by Ian Peters.  Darrell P. accepts the nomination.

Two-year Director Position: Brian Hemsworth – Nominated by Keith B.  Brian H. declined the nomination.

Nominations Cease by Garry C., seconded by Brian S., carried.


Both Dwayne K. and Darrell P. made a speech. Dwayne D. thanked all nominees and Elections Officers. Election e-mail voting closes on Jan 28 at 9:10pm.


MOTION for adjournment by Janelle M.


Members present at meeting: Dwayne Davison, Larry Chambers, Tawnya Lorenz, Brian Sawtell, Ab England, Gerry Russell, Reid Ballek, Andrew Nilsson, Curtis Paterson, Janelle Mysko, Ian Peters, Mike Hynek, Keith Bailey, Garry Cunningham, Carlo Monette, Gerald Johnston, Ronda Davison, Linda Chambers, John Pierce, Darwin Girdauckis, Dwayne Keichinger, Brian Hemsworth, Pam Russell, Darrell Peters, Dave Schneider, Curly Hallan, Jeff Fenske, Terence Harbin, Daryl Luchinski, Logan Davison, Chelsey Davison, Warren Tymchuk.



LDFGA Monthly Meeting              February 23, 2021                           7:30 PM               ZOOM Online