Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 7:35pm via ZOOM online.

Minutes: Presented minutes from online ZOOM meeting February 23, 2021 meeting.

MOTION by Bill A., seconded Andrew N., to adopt minutes from February 23, 2021 meeting, carried.


Financial Report:

MOTION by Larry C. to adopt financial report, seconded by Darwin G., carried.



-Dwayne D. spoke about some correspondence from Chelsea at SWF, she will be attending a “How To Hunt” webinar virtually. The SWF is also helping branches with their memberships, however Lloydminster is on track with last year and does not need the assistance.

-Dwayne D. mentioned that the AFGA nominations are happening currently, and being extended until March 31. Dwayne D. will forward this email to the executives for review.

-Dwayne D. attended the River City wildlife zoom meeting, and they had guest speaker Iga Stasiuk with the Sask MOE, to talk about CWD, we will look into having her host a zoom meeting with our branch and invite the membership. She is very knowledgeable and has a variety of statistics as well.

MOTION by Larry C. to look into Iga Stasiuk host a virtual meeting, seconded by Gerry R., carried.


Committee Reports:

Memberships 1191 LDFGA, 546 Outdoor, 224 Indoor. Dwayne D. questioned if the radio ads worked, however it’s hard to tell. With the feedback from the banquet, the majority of people heard about the banquet from word of mouth.

FundraisingDwayne D. mentioned that Wildside hosted our knife draw which went very well. The winner was Kelly Arnold. Thank you to Wildside Outdoors for looking after this for us.

Youth Outdoor Activity DayBill provided an update that they will plan as usual, and will cancel if need be.

Indoor Range Dwayne D. provided an update that he found a wavier to use for the guest passes. He will forward that to the indoor range committee for feedback. Possibly send to Mr. Politeski for review.

Outdoor Range Dwayne D. spoke that we need to get a date set for cleanup at the range. Keith B. mentioned he was there a week ago and did some general cleanup. Mike H. commented that his plans change daily and may or may not be able to attend the cleanup. Andrew N. asked if ORPS is happening, in which Mike H. replied yes the targets are in his garage. The next step is to set up a course and do a run through on how the match structure will work.

Conservation Camp NR. There is no decision on this yet. Saskatchewan is planning just in case, and will cancel if need be.

ScholarshipsBill provided an update that he has contacted the schools (Lloyd Comp, Holy Rosary, Buffalo Trails, and Northwest) and distributed information to them. They all appreciated the information. We normally have two $1,000 scholarships available, and if none or only one have been spoken for, we have usually accumulated them into the next year as a carry over. This is something to think about as we will have between 2 and 5 scholarships available for this year if we proceed with this way.


Habitat/Gordon Leslie Project / Trout Ponds Garry C. and Bill A. headed out to the McDougall pond and it showed poor results for oxygen levels, and the color of the water is not good. Larry updated that at the Alberta pond, at 16-17 feet deep had no oxygen, middle is moderate, and more oxygen near the top. James will analyze the oxygen levels of these ponds. Possibly stock with more fish, however we need to identify the problem first. Darrell P. mentioned he might be able to talk to someone at Lakeland College, as they have an environmental course there. Darwin G. asked how we can increase oxygen, Larry C. replied possibly with pumps or motors.

TrophiesOne trophy got sent back as there is an error on it.

Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show – This is cancelled for 2021.

Archery Club / Youth Center Youth Programs are up and running at a reduced rate as per Covid-19 regulations.

Banquet The Drive-Tru Banquet was a great success, in which we sold 273 meals in 2.5 hours. We had our eight volunteers from the LDFGA, nine including Shelly from the Exhibition. Keith B. added a comment that this is a great way to stay current and involved in the community. Big thank you to Ray Faltermeier for donating half the Wild Boar, and to the Lloyd Ex for hosting a great supper. There was a survey done at the supper, as to how attendees knew about the supper. With 31 drivers providing feedback, here are the results: Poster 0 (0%), Social Media 7 (22.5%), Radio 7 (22.5%), Word of Mouth 6 (20%), LDFGA Executive Member 9 (29%), and Newspaper Article 2 (6%).

Fish Fry – This has been cancelled for 2021. The Executives decided against the drive-thru fish fry as it would be too expensive and we cannot source our own fish at the moment.


Bills to be Paid:



Old Business:

  1. Andrew N., Dwayne D., Reid B., and Mike H. are corresponding via email in regards to the signage at the outdoor range.
  2. Rapid shooting event – talked about during the outdoor range discussion.


New Business:

  1. Wildside Outdoors hosted our knife draw, as mentioned above Kelly Arnold won. Sherry has the picture so we can get this posted on social media.
  2. Dwayne D. reminded us that the AFGA Special Meeting is on April 10th. So far we have 5 people attending, 2 possibly. The contingency fund is not happening, we have $4000 to reallocate to Alberta. It was decided that we would donate the money to Habitat Trust.

MOTION by Garry C. to donate $4,000 to Habitat Trust, seconded by Gerry R., carried.

  1. Andrew N. talked about Project Mapleseed and that he needs to pass the torch. With his farming, the dates didn’t work out this year. Dwayne K. will be taking over this, they will all be in contact together and keep us updated. Andrew N. mentioned he would like to book June for next year already. If there is enough demands for two dates, we can possibly book two.


MOTION for adjournment by Janelle M.


Members present at meeting: Dwayne D, Larry C, Tawnya L, Ab E, Gerry R, Andrew N, Keith B, Garry C, Carlo M, Jeff F, Brian S, Bill A, Reid B, Darwin G, Mike H, and Janelle M.



LDFGA Monthly Meeting              April 27, 2021                    7:30 PM               ZOOM Online