Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 7:35pm via ZOOM online.

Minutes: Presented minutes from online ZOOM meeting January 26, 2021 meeting.

MOTION by Garry C., seconded Gerry R., to adopt minutes from January 26, 2021 meeting, carried.


Financial Report:

MOTION by Larry C. to adopt financial report, seconded by Garry C., carried.



-Dwayne D. spoke about the SWF Fish Research email update and encouraged everyone to read it.


Committee Reports:

Memberships 1064 LDFGA, 482 Outdoor, 214 Indoor. Tawnya L. mentioned that the social media post reached close to 9,000 people. Outdoor Canada got a hold of Dwayne D., they would like to get some photos of us in action at the banquet. The radio ads are also currently running and going well.


Youth Outdoor Activity DayNR.

Indoor Range Dwayne D. provided an update about the guest passes at the indoor range. We are currently waiting on getting a proper waiver. Keith B. spoke about the new SHA regulations that are being put in place so we can remain open and be compliant. We need to reduce our number to 5 (1 RSO in range, 2 shooters, 2 in lobby), and that people need to pre-register now. This is on top of the current regulations (masks, sanitizer, social distance, etc). Keith B. will take care of the registration process and provide the information to the RSO for opening day.

Outdoor Range Andrew N. spoke about how Mapleseed will look different this year with the Covid regulations. Keith B. did a walk through and mentioned that the pistol bay targets need to be replaced, Dwayne D. replied that he did this yesterday.

Conservation Camp NR. There is no decision on this yet. Saskatchewan is planning just in case, and will cancel if need be.

Scholarships-   NR


Habitat/Gordon Leslie Project / Trout Ponds Garry C., Larry C and Bill A. will head out to the MacDougall pond and try to catch some trout. Larry C. will complete oxygen tests at the McDougall pond. Garry C. reached out to some local programs (boy scouts, air cadets, big brothers big sisters) to see if anyone is interested in the trout pond maintenance, and so far no one is.

TrophiesThe recipients have been picking up their trophy at Wildside, so far there is only two left to be picked up. We have been receiving pictures and posting to social media/website as well.

Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show – This is cancelled for 2021.

Archery Club / Youth Center Youth Programs are up and running at a reduced rate as per Covid-19 regulations.

Banquet Dwayne D. reminded the group that the banquet is this Sunday, February 28. Volunteers to show up around 3:30 to discuss duties. Tawnya L. to update social media that the cut-off for purchasing tickets is Friday afternoon, time to be determined yet.

Fish Fry – Possibly host the fish fry as a drive-thru in April. Garry C. mentioned the fish guy cannot commit. We will look at our options.


Bills to be Paid:

MOTION by Brian S. to pay outstanding bills, seconded by Keith B., carried.


Old Business:

  1. Andrew N., Dwayne D., Reid B., and Mike H. to possibly set up a zoom meeting to discuss the signage at the outdoor range.
  2. Wildside Outdoors is looking after the line card fundraiser for the knife from SWF.
  3. No update on the targets.


New Business:

  1. Dwayne D. welcomed Darrell P. to the 2021 Two-year Director Position.
  2. Saskatchewan hunter’s survey is now mandatory. This needs to be sent in or the draw will be held up.
  3. SWF convention was on Feb 20 via Zoom. Dwayne D. and Larry C. provided an update.
  4. Bishop Lloyd now has their eggs from the Fins program, see updates on social media.


MOTION for adjournment by Jeff F.


Members present at meeting: Dwayne D, Larry C, Tawnya L, Ab E, Gerry R, Andrew N, Ian P, Keith B, Garry C, Carlo M, Darrell P, Jeff F, Brian S, Bill A.



LDFGA Monthly Meeting              March 30, 2021                7:30 PM               ZOOM Online