Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 7:45pm at Grace United Church.

Minutes: Presented minutes from January 9, 2019 meeting.

MOTION by Bill A., seconded Brian S., to adopt minutes from January 9 meeting, carried.

Financial Report: Dwayne D. gave a quick summary. Next Financial Report will be given on February 26, 2019.                         

Correspondence:  Discussed Len Thompson 90th Anniversary fish lure sale. Dwayne D. will look further into this.

Marks Work Warehouse discount cards are available at the gun shops or from Joanna K. Ab. E discussed email regarding Ian P. becoming a certified measurer and the exam that will need to be written for this.

MOTION by Ab. E to send Ian Peters to get accredited for Henry Kelsey measurer status, seconded by Brian S., carried.

Committee Reports:

Memberships – 750 LDFGA, 322 Outdoor, 139 Indoor

We are approximately 200 members down from this time last year. Discussion regarding promoting membership. Some ideas that were discussed are advertising on billboards, the radio, TV, newspaper, social media, and hosting more events. Selling more memberships by Executive and Directors in person may be an option as well if they are provided with membership books. Joanna K. will create an Instagram account and look into social media advertising. It was suggested that someone from the club write a story and submit it to the newspaper.

Fundraising – NR

Youth Outdoor Activity Day – Joanna K. to make changes to the poster and parent info sheet on website.

Indoor Range – Discussion regarding the need for more RSOs to open the range and the possibility of having a schedule. Curtis P. and Brian H. will contact the RSOs and look further into this. 

Outdoor Range – Not a lot of activity due to weather. Needs to be shovelled. Shovels are there.

Conservation Camp – NR

Scholarships-   Currently the submission deadline is September 20th, however the Lloydminster schools would like to see the award line up with graduation. Bill A. will look further into this. The plaque only has one blank spot left for 2019. Dustin Snider was able to attend the banquet and really enjoyed it.

Merchandise – NR

Habitat/Gordon Leslie Project –NR

Hide Program –No program this year.

Trout Ponds – NR

Trophies – It was discussed that the awards were presented too late, too rushed and suggestion was put forth to have a committee discussion on how to improve / change this process for next year’s banquet. If changes occur, then advertising any changes will need to take place, so that members are aware.

Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show-   Angie J. updated. There were 240 tables and 54 vendors. This was Angie’s last year in charge of the Gun Show. The LDFGA is looking for a volunteer, or two, to take over. Angie has offered to help train them. A block of rooms will need to be reserved, for next year’s vendors, at the Best Western Plus Meridian Hotel. Dwayne D. discussed gun sales at the show. Sales were the same as the 2018 Gun Show. Vendors were packing up too early on Sunday. There were approximately 2000 people that went through the show this year. It was discussed that next year we should advertise more on social media.  Overall it ran well and was successful.

Archery Club / Youth Center – Youth programs are in full swing. The 3D Fun Shoot on January 27th went well. These archery events are open to everyone and are generally held on the Sunday of the 3rd weekend of the month from Sept to May. Check out the Lloydminster & Area Archers Facebook page for event details and times.  

Banquet – Dwayne D. updated. Overall the event went well, with the exception of the awards presentation, as previously discussed. There were 438 people for supper and the food was great. Kelly Taylor was very funny and a bit hit. Friday night prep went well, just need to remember not to cut the fish too small next year. Discussed adding credit card and e-transfer payment options for auctions next year. Bill A. updated on the bar. Discussion regarding purchasing a thank you gift for the bartenders. Joanna K. will make up Thank You cards.

MOTION by Curtis P. to purchase three $100 Visa gift cards for the banquet bartenders, seconded by Gerry R., carried.  

Dwayne D. thanked all of the volunteers the meat prep, Friday night prep, and Saturday set up.

Fish Fry – Tickets are printed. Dwayne D. will follow up with Exsile Reloaded regarding selling tickets.

Bills to be Paid: 

MOTION by Brian S. to pay outstanding bills, seconded by Wayne B., carried.

Old Business:

1. Dwayne D. will do up a write up regarding the Hutley Sheppard “Shed Hunting” fundraiser for Joanna K. to put on the website and Facebook.

New Business:

1. Dwayne D. would like to call an IPSC Committee meeting. He will email the committee regarding this.

2. Discussed email from Dwayne K. regarding future uses of the ranges.

Members present at meeting: Dwayne D., Joanna K., Reid B., Bill A., Brian S., Ab E., Angeline J., Gerry R., Brian H., John P., Jeff F., Curtis P., Gerald J., Curly H., Wayne B., Daryl L. and Terence H.

LDFGA Meeting      February 26, 2019        7:30 PM        GRACE UNITED CHURCH