President Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm at the Grace United Church.


Minutes: Presented minutes from January 31, 2017 meeting.

MOTION by Daryl L., seconded Garry C., to adopt minutes from January 31 meeting, carried.


Financial Report:

MOTION by Garry C. to adopt financial report, seconded by Warren S., carried.



  1. AFGA Spring meeting will be on April 8 at the Vegreville Wildlife Federation Clubhouse. SWF meeting will be on May 6 in Medstead.


Committee Reports:

Memberships Garry C. – 1112 LDFGA, 200 Indoor Range, 452 Outdoor Range.


Youth Outdoor Activity DayJune 24, 2017

Indoor Range Work bee will be held March 18 & 19 to finish off housing in the shooting area. Need volunteers to come out. Starts at 9am.

MOTION by Trevor D. to spend up to $1000 to finish up Indoor Range, seconded by Curtis P, carried.

Some members want to hold a private function at range again. We cannot reserve it for them. If the range is open, it is open to all our members.

Discussed having an IPSC course in the Indoor range. Tyler and Cameron M. to get more information.

Outdoor Range Spray coating on benches in April or early May.

Discussed having a bulletin board that could be used to put up buy or sell ads for guns. Most felt this was a good idea.

Spring clean up is set for May 6 and 7.

MOTION by Curtis P. to have Scouts out to help with clean up on May 6 for $500, seconded by Carlo M., carried.

Conservation Camp 1 applicant



Habitat Foster land was donated to SWF. Our club will help tearing down old buildings. Garry C. and Dwayne D. will look into it.

Hide Program Some hides in box still. Boxes will be taken down soon.

Trout PondsFinS Program has eggs underway.

TrophiesAb E. helping with a trophy course.

Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show Dwayne D. will look into prices at Servus Center and the Exhibition grounds.

Archery Club / Youth Center Boy Scouts had great time February 25.

There is a Regional Shoot in March.

Gordon Leslie ProjectNR


Fish Fry – April 20, 2017. 15 tickets sold so far. Volunteers for 3:00 on April 20: Dwayne D., Garry C., Warren S., maybe Jeff F. and Terence H.

Bills to be Paid:

MOTION by Garry C. to pay outstanding bills, seconded by Curtis P., carried.


Old Business:

  1. Need to install panic doors in Indoor range. Will be done when installing new bench area. Need to follow up on non-conformance items. Archery Club will look after Youth center building checks and documentation. Front entrance is a little tough to open for some kids.
  2. Dwayne D. will resend draft letter to the range committee for more feedback.
  3. Dwayne D. will book appointment to talk to SK MLA, Colleen Young.
  4. Camo Chair tickets about 25% sold. Will draw at Fish Fry. Dwayne D. will need all ticket books back by April 14.


New Business:

  1. Reviewed SWF Convention. See attachment.
  2. Reviewed AFGA Convention. See attachment.
  3. Western Woods and Waters Magazine is wondering if our club is interested in receiving their magazine at a discount rate. We could forward the information to our members and if they are interested, contact the magazine their selves.


MOTION for adjournment by Curtis P.


Present at Meeting: Dwayne D, Gwen B, Garry C, Warren S, Trevor D, Ab E, Darwin G, Daryl L, Gerry R, Curtis P, Carlo M, Cameron M, Tyler M, Mahlena M, Clayton M, Wayne B, and John P.




Next Meeting                                   March 28, 2017                7:30 PM               GRACE UNITED CHURCH