President Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm at the Legion.

Minutes: Reviewed minutes from January 27 meeting. Error- There have been problems with Alberta residents

not receiving an ATT.

MOTION by Jeff F., seconded by Brian S., to adopt revised minutes from January 27, carried.

Financial Report: MOTION by Larry C. to adopt financial report, seconded by Gerry R., carried.


1. Accident at Jumping Point Creek – Man was hit in neck from a ricocheted bullet off of a metal target.

Committee Reports:

Memberships – Gwen B. – 1156 LDFGA, 313 Pistol Club, 215 Outdoor Range. There has been a lot of confusion with membership numbers for 3-years members. Some members don’t switch over to their new numbers we mail out in fall; their old number is either invalid or used by another member. Easiest solution is to make a separate membership for 3-year regular and family members; then they can keep that card and number for 3 years. Pistol Club does this. Gerald J., Garry C., Dwayne D., Gwen B., and Reid B. will discuss a solution when Garry C. returns home.

Fundraising – NR

Youth Outdoor Activity Day – Received confirmation that T.I.P. trailers and canine unit are available.

Indoor Range – Darwin G. – Discussed heating Indoor Range. Best option is to have a wireless hotspot and control heating with a cellphone. Maybe have radiant heaters above shooters.

Discussed gun holstering at Indoor Range. Members should not be allowed holsters. Find out SK regulations before deciding on whether RSO’s can have holsters for protection purposes. As of right now, no holsters are permitted by anyone.

Discussed guest and liability insurance. Regina has a “No Guest” policy at all their ranges. They have an extensive camera system and a key fob locking system. Problems have diminished since installing the camera system and they have been able to identify “problem members”. To have guests at Lloydminster’s Indoor Range, members and guests would have to sign a waiver. Guests not recommended at our Indoor Range; rather, guests should have to buy a membership at the range. Our policy and signed waiver should be on the back of all memberships.

No smoking is permitted inside. Gerry R. will put up “No Smoking” signs and a butt stop outside.

Outdoor Range – Reid B. – Discussed open hours. Range opens at sunrise but no earlier than 7 AM and closes half an hour after sunset but no later than 9 PM.

Reid B. will look into setting up a camera feed on the website.

Estimate for Cooper Concrete to do the concrete pads is too high at approximately $13,000. We will do the labour ourselves.

Reid B. suggested getting Air Cadets or Boy Scouts to help with the spring range clean-up for a donation of $500. Lunch will be provided for them.

MOTION by Reid B. to hire a youth group of a minimum of 12 people for a full day to help with range clean-up, seconded by Curtis P., carried.

Conservation Camp – 150 applications were mailed out. There are some people who would like to sponsor. We have paid for 2 spots in Alberta. Fees are: Alberta – $525, Saskatchewan – $200.

Scholarships – NR

Merchandise – NR

Habitat – NR

Hide Program – Will be picked up one more time, then shut down.

Trout Ponds – Discussed setting up a Senior’s Fishing Day.

Trophies – MOTION by Larry C. to write-off outstanding trophy sponsorships for Concord and Universal Industries for $225, seconded by Gerry R., carried.

Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show – MOTION by Tyler V., seconded by Wayne B. to pay $500 to the Archery Club for security.

Discussed email from unhappy vendor stating overall the show was a failure compared to other years.

Revenue is $44,027. Not all expenses have gone through yet, but so far expenses are $5,235. Net is approximately $38,792.

New signs need to be made for next year.

Archery Club / Youth Center – Hosting FITA Regional Shoot on March 7, 2015 at the Youth Center.

Gordon Leslie Project – NR

Banquet – Ticket count was 450 adults and 24 kids. Leftover food went to the Interval Home and Men’s Shelter.

Appetizer tables were not very efficient. Next year have a few round tables with a variety of food on them to prevent one long line-up.

Fish Fry – At Moose Lodge April 23; 34 tickets sold so far.

Bills to be Paid:

MOTION by Gerald J. to pay outstanding bills, seconded by Brian S., carried.

Old Business:

1. Reviewed SWF Resolutions. A total of $193,000 was raised. Donated $800 to the Fish Tagging Program.

MOTION by Gerry R. to donate $800 for 2 fish transmitters, seconded by Terence H., carried.

2. Reviewed AFGA Resolutions.

New Business:

1. Look into getting a GST #.

2. Discussed making a resolution for primitive weapon zone around Lloyd.

MOTION for adjournment by Wayne B.

Present at Meeting: Dwayne , Larry C, Gwen B, Reid B,  Wayne B, Jeremie A, Jeff F, Curtis P, Terence H, Darwin G, Gerry R, John P,  Graham F, Gerald J, Curly H, Tyler V, Ralph M, Yolanda B, Grant K, Brian S, Angeline J

Next Meeting: 7:30pm on March 31, 2015 at Legion Hall