Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm at the Legion.
Minutes: Reviewed minutes from September 29 meeting.
Error – Lloydminster Source had a bill to be paid for advertising, not hunting supplies.
MOTION by Garry C., seconded by Bill A., to adopt revised minutes from September 29, carried.
Financial Report: MOTION by Larry C. to adopt financial report, seconded by Bill A., carried.
- AB Conservation Association – Gave description and pictures of some of the things they do.
- Thank you card from Ab, Melissa, Travis and Family for support in the passing of Pat England.
- Letter from Samantha Newman – she thanked us for sponsoring her and described her time at conservation camp.
- Letter from camp sponsor – thanked us for sending them a follow up on the girls they sponsored attending conservation camp.
Committee Reports:
Memberships – Garry C. – 1792 LDFGA, 360 Pistol Club, 734 Outdoor Range.
Cut off day for 2015 Memberships is November 15.
Gwen B. will be doing mail-out. Posters for Gun Show, Banquet and Fish Fry will be included in mail-out.
Online form for new website will go up after mail-out.
Fundraising – NR
Youth Outdoor Activity Day – NR
Indoor Range – Sub-committee meeting will be held on November 4 at 7:30 pm at Dwayne’s office.
Septic tank booked for next week. Propane tank was moved and filled, temporarily using an above ground hose. When septic tank goes in, propane copper line will be buried.
Couple schools came out in the beginning of October. It went well, everyone had fun.
Outdoor Range – New sponsor signs are complete and will be put up. New Rules signs for the south fence are complete and will be put up.
Parking lot is underway. Will be graded in next few days.
Discussed starting age for youths to be allowed to shoot under supervision and at what age youth can shoot unsupervised.
MOTION by Garry C. to not allow any person under the age of 18 to shoot at outdoor range unsupervised, seconded by Curtis P., carried.
MOTION by Reid B. that any youth aged 10 – 17 must be directly supervised by an adult within arms reach;
no children under the age of 10 are permitted in outdoor range shooting area, seconded by Garry C., carried.
New benches have good feedback. Slightly narrow. The rest will be wider, and are to be built.
Member was observed shooting a metal sign and letting another person in range. He will get a month suspension.
Conservation Camp – Received funds from a sponsor.
Scholarships – Received funds from SWF for Ab England and family.
All 5 applicants will receive scholarship.
Merchandise – Gwen B. still trying to get a hold of Wayne B. for pricing and details for the merchandise.
Habitat – NR
Hide Program – Boxes will go out when it’s colder.
Trout Ponds – NR
Trophies – NR
Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show – Dwayne D. sent out letter for the unruly exhibitor.
Garry C. will be helping with doors and membership table.
Archery Club / Youth Center – Programs filling up. They start in November.
Gordon Leslie Project – Fencing bill taken care of.
Banquet – Dwayne D. will get alligator. Rick Knight has 50 lbs of goose and 14 lbs of duck. We will keep tickets at $30 and still have door prizes.
Looking to spend $2500 for entertainment including travel. 3 options so far: Hoja – comedy acapella group, Robin Chestnut – comedy juggler, and Don’t Mind Us – comedy improve.
Fish Fry – Tickets will stay at $15.
Bills to be Paid:
Don Mark Target repair, round up and gas $86.26
Reid B. Paint for benches $33.05
Larry C. Gas to Region 2 meeting $48.00
Garry C. Gas to Zone 5 meeting $55.00
MOTION by Bill A. to pay outstanding bills, seconded by Terence H., carried.
Old Business:
- Primitive weapons zone – Need to get info out to members and residents as to getting feedback on all parties involved. Interested parties include: acreage and land owners, conservation offices, industrial acreage owners, municipalities.
- Panic doors need to be installed.
- Facebook page started in 2014 has been taken down.
- Maidstone RCMP will buy individual memberships for each person but want one invoice for the total saying “training fees”.
New Business:
- Decided nominating committee – Larry C., Reid B. and Trevor D.
- Larry C. reviewed Region 2 meeting.
- Garry C. reviewed Zone 5 meeting.
- Discussed using Vermilion Voice for additional advertising for Gun and Outdoor Show.
- Spruce Grove range shut down because of complaints from nearby land owners. We need to be aware of situations like this and appease complaints, before they become too serious.
- CEO renewed our licence for 1 year because she is unable to come to our range before our licence expires. She will come in May for the inspection; upon passing we will be renewed for 5 years.
- Discussed selling Back Roads Magazine to members. Not really interested. Reid will contact vendor and suggest him buying a table at the Outdoor show.
MOTION for adjournment by Larry C.
Present at Meeting: Dwayne D., Gwen B., Reid B., Garry C., Curtis P., Terence H., Gerald J., Brian S., Bill A., Grant K., Larry C., Trevor D.
NEXT MEETING November 24, 2015 7:30 PM Legion Hall