President Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm at the Youth Center.
Minutes: Reviewed minutes from May 26 meeting.
MOTION by Bill A., seconded by Brian S., to adopt minutes from May 26, carried.
Financial Report: MOTION by Larry C. to adopt financial report, seconded by Curtis P., carried.
Correspondence: None
Committee Reports:
Memberships – Garry C. – 1535 LDFGA, 347 Pistol Club, 531 Outdoor Range. Garry presented a format for future memberships. One sheet that contains everything, rather than multiple cards.
MOTION by Garry C. for approval of the new proposed membership format for 2016. (Memberships would be 5 ½ x 8 ½ and would be a two part carbon copy in books of 50 with cardboard on front and back. The year would be blank and filled by stores.) Seconded by Daryl L., carried.
MOTION by Garry C. to have the new proposed 8 ½ x 11 membership form on the website for 2016. (In 2016, members would send in a printed copy with their cheque or cash and Gwen B. would mail out membership card.) Seconded by Larry C., carried. Online members will have to wait for their paperwork to be mailed to them.
MOTION by Garry C. for Gwen B. to research the capabilities of the current Club’s website for installing the new membership forms online with the ability to pay online in 2017 through PayPal or the cost of an new upgraded website, and report the findings back to the committee, seconded by Bill A., carried.
MOTION for Gwen B. to set up a Facebook page for posters, announcements, yearly letters, etc. (Volunteers for Facebook monitors are Curtis P., Darwin G., Gwen B. and Reid B.) Seconded by Gerry R., carried.
Garry proposed not having a mailout of letters, posters, etc adter this year. Information would be on our website and Facebook page. Memberships will still be sold through the gun stores, gun show, banquet and online. Look at raising prices after we have all systems up and running.
Fundraising – NR
Youth Outdoor Activity Day – Bill A. – The day was successful. There were 46 kids. Thank you to all the volunteers. Shep’s Sports may not be in business for next year’s Youth Day.
Indoor Range – Sub committee still needs to meet again.
Dwayne D. talked to one of the kids at the bonfire. He apologized and said he would pass the message on to his friends.
Outdoor Range – Sign on gate needs to be put up – “You must be a member to shoot at this range and have your own key fob.” Still undecided to stream camera of parking lot on website.
MOTION by Gerald J. to get internet in the Youth Center and share the cost with Lloyd Archers for sole purpose of updating security system and any further changes to use of this system needs to be approved at monthly meeting, seconded by Garry C., carried.
MOTION by Gerald J. that access to security system is limited to President, Membership Chair, Outdoor Range Chair and Administrative Assistant, seconded by Gerry R., carried.
Conservation Camp – 8 candidates.
Scholarships – NR
Merchandise – Gwen B. to post pictures on website.
Habitat – NR
Hide Program – Repairs need to be done to a couple boxes.
Trout Ponds – NR
Trophies – NR
Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show – Dwayne still has to send letter to unruly exhibitor.
Archery Club / Youth Center – Slow for summer.
Gordon Leslie Project – NR
Banquet – Maybe come up with a checklist for the tasks needing to be done?
Fish Fry – NR
Bills to be Paid:
Bill A. $16.25 Youth Day
School Division $63.64 Bus rental
Garry C. $175.54 Food and drink
Sobey’s $207.68 Food
Dwayne D. $24.71 Coffee and water
MOTION by Larry C. to pay outstanding bills, seconded by Curtis P., carried.
Old Business:
1. Primitive weapons zone will be discussed at a later date.
2. Panic doors need to be installed.
New Business:
1. RCMP Sergent requested if they can have a group fob. Discussed that RCMP would be coming on personal time so everyone would have to have their own membership. Garry C. will talk to questioning officer again.
2. Picnic tables at McDougall Pond need to be replaced. $340 per table.
3. Travis and Corey Skinner are competing at the World Archery Championships in Italy this year.
MOTION by Gerry R. to give $750 to each of them, second by Stan D., carried.
4. Will need content for Facebook page.
MOTION for adjournment by Gerald J.
Present at Meeting: Dwayne D, Larry C, Garry C, Grant K, Curtis P, Gerry R, Bill A, Brian S, Gerald J, Daryl L, Bill L, Andrew N., Corey B, Stan D, Reid B and Gwen B.
Next Meeting: 7:30pm on August 25, 2015 at Youth Center