President Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm at the Legion.
Minutes: Reviewed minutes from January 6 meeting. Error- Coyote Shoot was not organized by LDFGA, just the benefactor.
Minutes from January 6 were adopted as revised. MOTION by Corey B., seconded by Dwayne D., carried.
Financial Report: MOTION by Larry C. to adopt financial report, seconded by Steve L., carried.
1. Letter from E.S. Laird Middle School asking for the last $1000 grant for their NASP program.
MOTION to give E.S. Laird the grant by Tyler V., seconded by Corey B., carried.
2. There have been problems with Alberta residents receiving an ATT because range is in Saskatchewan.
Committee Reports:
Memberships – Gwen B. – 976 LDFGA, 285 Pistol Club, 133 Outdoor Range.
Fundraising – NR
Youth Outdoor Activity Day – Looking at different supplier of prizes.
Indoor Range – RSO course is February 1, 2015 at the Legion @ 9:00 am. Price is $75.00.
Outside lock has been changed and 6 keys made up. 1 – Darwin G., 2 – Dwayne D., 3 – Larry C., 4 – Gerry R., 5 & 6 are spares in Dwayne’s possession.
Cost of heating building from February 27, 2008 to Jan 15, 2015 was approximately $4,292. All attended agreed there is no value in keeping building heated at all times. Possibly install a programmable thermostat? Cell phone activated? Radiant heaters? Darwin will check into options.
Larry and Dwayne will look into having insurance for guests for indoor range. Big contradiction in having guests allowed at indoor range but not outdoor range. Justification is that indoor has RSO’s at all times.
With more RSO’s being trained, the range can be open in summer as long as there is an RSO available. Maybe make an RSO schedule?
Outdoor Range – Reid B. – 2 of the 4 cameras are running. They should all be working this Saturday.
Gate access will be on schedule to be initiated February 1. Should have a sign stating open hours.
Planting trees surrounding range would help keep sound down once the trees grow big enough. Reid will look into cost of cement pads.
Should prone shooting be allowed? Have to take up a lane to prevent too many shooters. Maybe put their stuff on the bench they’re shooting beside or rope across bench?
Pistol owners can have either a Pistol Club Membership or an Outdoor Range Membership. Maybe next year make them the same price.
Conservation Camp – NR
Scholarships – Bill A. – Allysa Weatherall will be at banquet.
Merchandise – Wayne B. – Earle put some buckles on raffle tables at Banquet. Fishing hooks will be handed out.
Habitat – NR
Hide Program – Main box is half full.
Trout Ponds – MacDougall Trout Pond is stocked.
Trophies – Trophies are done and were picked up last Friday.
Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show – Attendance was 2028 on Saturday and 846 on Sunday for a total of 2874 people.
Stay open until 5 or 6 next year? Some exhibitors weren’t happy, but people were still coming in at 5:30.
Possibly have a turn style entrance next year? It would provide better security and count the attendees.
Some vendors should not be allowed to return next year due to product they are selling not relating to the show. There needs to be a better application process. Brian S., Angeline J., Reid B., and Tyler V. will make some guidelines and present them at next meeting. Minutes from last year need to be reviewed about human targets.
There was one really rude vendor. Dwayne D. will send a letter to him saying verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
Archery Club / Youth Center – Regionals the first weekend in March. 70+ shooters. Burgers and hotdogs available.
Gordon Leslie Project – NR
Banquet – Tickets sold out.
Need volunteers for meat cutting 7:00 pm Friday, January 30: Jim R., Daryl L., Bill A., Jeff F., Brian S., Gerry R., Dwayne D., Tyler V., Reid B., Larry C., and Wayne B.
Volunteers for appetizer set up Saturday at noon: Corey B., Dwayne D., Dwayne’s son, and Gerry R. had to buy 1 ½ elk.
Fish Fry – Tickets are available.
MOTION by Tyler V. to pay outstanding bills, seconded by Corey B., carried.
Old Business:
1. Conventions
SWF – Tyler V., Dwayne D., Curly H., Larry C.
AFGA – Gerry R., Davan R.
2. Coyote Shoot for February 7, 2015 was cancelled by organizers.
New Business:
1. Donations last year were as follows:
SWF – $10,000 Habitat, $500 Becoming an Outdoor Woman, $3000 Youth.
AFGA – $5,000 Habitat, $1,000 Becoming an Outdoor Woman (accidentally paid twice – should have been $500), $2,000 Narrow Lake.
Donations to each province are fairly even now. We will donate $10,000 to each – $7,000 to Habitat, $500 to Becoming an Outdoor Woman, and $2,500 to Youth. (AFGA will receive nothing this year for Outdoor Woman to make up for last year’s overage.)
MOTION by Phillip B., seconded by Corey B., to go with these amounts.
2. Reviewed resolutions for SWF and AFGA conventions.
MOTION for adjournment by Dwayne D.
Present at Meeting: Dwayne D, Larry C, Gwen B, Reid B, Tyler V, Wayne B, Curly H, Bill A, Brian S, Gerry R, Corey B, Curtis P, Terence H, Darwin G, Phillip B, Ab E, John P, Gerald J, Angeline J, Dwayne K, Steve L, Jeff F. NEXT MEETING February 24, 2015 7:30 PM Legion Hall
Next Meeting: 7:30pm on February 24, 2015 at Legion Hall