Garry C. called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm at the Youth Center.
Minutes: Presented minutes from June 30 meeting.
Error – 45 members at Youth Activity Day not 46.
MOTION by Bill A., seconded by Brian S., to adopt revised minutes from June 30, carried.
Financial Report: MOTION by Larry C. to adopt financial report, seconded by Wayne B., carried.
1. Maidstone RCMP looking for information on range memberships. Reid B. emailed them the necessary information.
2. Canadian Unlicensed Firearms Owners Association looking for donations. Board decided not to donate.
3. Received another letter from Robert Sopuck, Conservative MP, looking for donations.
Committee Reports:
Memberships – Garry C. – 1652 LDFGA, 348 Pistol Club, 604 Outdoor Range.
Garry discussed with SWF our changing membership system. Our numbers need to work with theirs. They need to block off numbers for us.
Life Members should have laminated membership cards. Need to set up another subcommittee meeting for memberships.
Reid B. presented website information. Need to upgrade to have online forms and paypal. 10 – 15 hours of labour at $80/hour to transfer everything over.
MOTION by Reid B. to upgrade website, seconded by Jeff F., carried.
Fundraising – NR
Youth Outdoor Activity Day – NR
Indoor Range – Need to get more than one quote for septic system. Need update from Darwin G.
Outdoor Range – Reid B. – We are on the waiting list for internet. No time estimate for when it will be done.
August 18 the range gate was propped open for 6 hours, during which no one signed in with their fobs. One of those members (#1) left an SKS rifle at the range. Reid was notified and picked up the rifle from another member (#2) who found it. Since #1 didn’t sign in, Reid had to pull his licence plate from the camera and contacted AB registries to have #1 contact Reid for missing property. #1 has not yet responded. Member #2 was the person who propped the gate open. He was given a warning.
Have not been able to secure a meeting time to get an estimate on parking lot project.
There have been complaints about the sound under the shelters. The future benches will be extended so the rifles muzzles will be outside the shelters. If sound is still an issue, we will look into baffling.
Conservation Camp – Larry C. talked to one of the sponsors. He will meet with them and get pictures.
Scholarships – Bill A. – One applicant accepted for University of Augustana. Deadline is September 20, 2015. Garry C. provided area map for LDFGA scholarships and funding.
Merchandise – Wayne B. brought merchandise for pictures for website.
Habitat – Kolenosky Habitat Trust property needs gate repair.
Hide Program – Repairs need to be done to a couple boxes before winter.
Trout Ponds – Haven’t received a replacement for the table that was delivered broken. Garry will contact again.
Trophies – NR
Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show – Discussed sending the letter to the unruly exhibitor if he applies for next show.
Archery Club / Youth Center – Slow for summer. 2 National champions and 2 silver. Brian S. will make a list of all the local members who placed and put it in the newspaper.
Junior programs start in October. Will be put on website.
Gordon Leslie Project – Received bill for fencing. Bill should be for lease holder, not LDFGA.
Banquet – NR
Fish Fry – Thursday, April 21 booked for 2016.
Bills to be Paid:
Old Business:
1. Primitive weapons zone – resolution to have new zoning around Lloydminster taken to convention. Brian S. will draft a letter for AB/SK for next meeting.
2. Panic doors need to be installed.
3. Facebook page is up and running. There is a second page that was created in 2014 by an unknown person. Page needs to be taken down. Larry may know who set it up and will contact them.
New Business:
1. It was brought up if holstering should be allowed at outdoor range. Discussion tabled until next month.
MOTION for adjournment by Garry C.
Present at Meeting: Larry C, Garry C, Grant K, Gerry R, Bill A, Brian S, Gerald J, Reid B, Trevor D, Jeff F, Brian H and Wayne B.
Next Meeting: 7:30pm on September 29, 2015 at Youth Center