Home » LDFGA Membership

LDFGA Membership

Affiliated with Alberta Fish & Game Association and Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation

Box 116 Lloydminster SK, S9V 0X9
Membership expires December 31 of each year

Membership Details
Regular Membership is one person without Pistol and Outdoor range privileges
Family Alberta: Includes spouse, partner, dependant children under 18 years of age.
Saskatchewan: Includes spouse, partner, dependant children under 25 years of age that are still living at the primary residence, however 18 years and older living on their own is a regular adult membership
Youth Open to any young person under 18 years of age.
Fields with an are required

Membership Type

Choose your Range Membership

An R-PAL License # is required for any member shooting pistols at the indoor or outdoor range.

Membership Cost:

Member Details

Additional Family Members

If you would like to add family members, please select a 1 or 3 year Family Membership above.

Dependant is under the age of 18

Please provide First and Last Names, Gender, and Year of Birth for each additional member of your family included in a family membership.



Volunteer Opportunities

Membership Registration Benefits

Membership Rules