Meeting called to order by President Dwayne Davison @ 7:05pm.
Motion to adopt the 2014 annual minutes by Bill Armstrong, seconded by Tyler Verabioff, carried.
Financial Statement was presented by Larry Chambers. See attached Financial Report.
Larry Chambers moved the adoption of 2014 financial statement (November 1, 2013 – October 31, 2014), seconded by Gerry Russell, carried.
Saskatchewan Corporate Registry requires either an audit or financial review by a professional – or, if the members at the general meeting by a 2/3 majority resolve to waive an external professional, then the Board approval signed by a Director is acceptable. Motion by Corey Bedford, seconded by Brian Sawtell, that pursuant to The Non-Profit Corporations Act, 1995, the members of the Lloydminster and District Fish and Game Association Inc. waive the requirement for an audit for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2014, and further that we resolve not to appoint an external person to review the 2014 financial statement, carried unanimously.
Nominating Committee Presented the Following Nominations:
President: Dwayne Davison
Vice President: Corey Bedford
Secretary: Reid Ballek (nominated by Dwayne Davison, seconded by Gerry Russell, carried)
Treasurer: Larry Chambers
One Year Directors:
Dwayne Davison presented the following slate of officers to serve out their final year, seconded by Curtis Paterson, carried: Jay Kelly, John Pierce, Gerry Russell, Jim Ryall, Brian Sawtell, Tyler Verabioff.
Two Year Directors:
Dwayne Davison moved the following slate of officers to serve a two-year term, seconded by Curtis Paterson, carried: Garry Cunningham, Ab England, Jeff Fenske, Curly Hallan, Terence Harbin, Curtis Paterson, Roger Reid, Cal Wakelin, Sherry Wakelin.
Dwayne Davison nominated Daryl Luchynski, seconded by Tyler Verabioff, as a two year director, carried.
Motion by Corey Bedford, seconded by Gerry Russell, that Steve Lundy be struck from the corporate roster, carried.
Motion by Brian Sawtell to adjourn.
Members present at meeting: Dwayne Davison, Larry Chambers, Gwen Ballek, Reid Ballek, Tyler Verabioff, Wayne Burzinski, Curly Hallan, Jim Ryall, Bill Armstrong, Jeff Fenske, Brian Sawtell, Ralph Meynberg, Grant Key, Gerry Russell, Corey Bedford, Curtis Paterson, Terence Harbin, Darwin Girdauckis, Daryl Luchynski.