President Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm at the Legion.

Minutes: Reviewed minutes from April 28 meeting.

MOTION by Bill A., seconded by Garry C., to adopt minutes from April 28, carried.

Financial Report: MOTION by Larry C. to adopt financial report, seconded by Bill A., carried.


1. News Release from SWF about ATV use.

Committee Reports:

Memberships – Garry C. – 1487 LDFGA, 343 Pistol Club, 473 Outdoor Range. Garry wondered which issue we were talking about in minutes about 3 year memberships. Will discuss all about memberships at next meeting. Garry brought up the idea of having membership forms online. The issue is coordinating the 3 year with the key fob system.

Fundraising – NR

Youth Outdoor Activity Day – Bill A. – Reviewed the assignments and volunteers. Bill said we have about 10 – 12 repeat candidates. They will be replaced by the waiting list and their fees returned.

Indoor Range – Had a committee meeting to finalize guest procedures and range protocol.

MOTION by Curtis P. that the LDFGA Indoor Range allows for a guest to have 3 passes in one calendar year.  After that the member ceases to be a guest and must purchase an indoor range membership to continue shooting.  A guest is defined as a member in good standing of the LDFGA.  Without this membership you are not allowed to enter in the indoor range.  Out of community guests must present a provincial fish and game or wildlife federation membership with applicable insurance. (RSO will stamp the LDFGA membership card each time that guest shoots.) (Pistol club member that is sponsoring the guest will be responsible for all actions of that guest.) (Existing range sign in procedure must be adhered to.) (Guest can be a member of another fish and game constituency.) Seconded by Jeff F., carried.

MOTION by Curtis P. to adopt the indoor range safety producers and range safety rules as presented, seconded by Jeff F., carried.

Discussed an age limit for shooting at indoor range. Tabled discussion until next meeting.

Some members are against the cost of the indoor bathroom project. Bill A. said we have youth and women activities there and we should update the ‘outhouse facility’.

MOTION from April 28 meeting regarding the indoor bathroom was brought forward to this meeting. It was voted on again and carried unanimously.

Target retrieval system will be discussed at next meeting.

Dwayne D. mentioned the small party that occurred in front of the indoor range. Brett B. made sure the fire was out and Reid B. cleaned up the slight mess. There was concern that this could happen again. Asked neighbours to phone executive if they see anything going on.

Outdoor Range – Cameras are all working and the backstop system works pretty well. 25 yard still gets a lot of use and some people insist on posting targets on posts.

Reid B. presented a quick estimate of costs of signs for recognition of donors. $580 plus design per sign.

Clean up went pretty well but far more volunteers are needed. It would help to hire Boy Scouts.

Conservation Camp – 8 candidates.

Scholarships – NR

Merchandise – Gwen B. to post pictures on website.

Habitat – Kolenosky Habitat Trust property needs gate repair.

Hide Program – NR

Trout Ponds – NR

Trophies – NR

Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show – Dwayne still has to send letter to unruly exhibitor.

Archery Club / Youth Center – Outdoor shoot moved to August 16 weekend. Adult archery course cancelled due to poor enrollment.

Gordon Leslie Project – NR

Banquet – NR

Fish Fry – NR

Bills to be Paid:

Reid B.            $101.56            Lunch for Work Bee

Terence H.            $86.53            Coffee and donuts for Work Bee

Curtis P.            $994.36            Rentals and supplies for Work Bee

MOTION by Bill A. to pay outstanding bills, seconded by Gerry R., carried.

Old Business:

1. Primitive weapons zone will be discussed at a later date.

2. Panic doors need to be installed.

New Business:

1. Reid B. discussed the request from members about the possibility for an IPSC range and requirements that would be necessary. Reid told interested members to attend meeting. We will discuss when they attend.

MOTION for adjournment by Curtis P.

Present at Meeting: Dwayne D., Larry C., Garry C., Grant Key, Curtis P., Terence H., Jeff F., Gerry R., Bill A., Reid B., Brian H.

President’s Potluck Supper: 5:00pm on June 30, 2015 at Youth Center

Next Meeting: 7:30pm on June 30, 2015 at Youth Center