Lloydminster & District Fish & Game Association – Minutes of Meeting – January 7, 2024


Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 8:15pm at the GUC and via Zoom hybrid.

Minutes: Presented minutes from GUC/Zoom hybrid meeting November 26, 2024.

MOTION by Bill A., to adopt the minutes from November 26th as presented, seconded by Joe M., carried.


Financial Report presented by Larry C.

MOTION by Larry C. to adopt financial report, seconded Joe M., carried.

MOTION made by Carlo M. to apply for a designated Raffle bank account for the purpose of the upcoming raffle for the golf cart and any future raffles, seconded by Keith B., all in favor, motion carried.

MOTION made by Mike H. to apply for a credit card to be used to pay for Starlink internet services, seconded by Garry C., all in favor, motion carried.

Correspondence: NR


Committee Reports:

Memberships 469 LDFGA, 204 Outdoor, 89 Indoor.


Youth Outdoor Activity Day NR

Indoor Range Furnace programming and maintenance completed. Discussion of Indoor Range key access. The current key location is under new ownership with different operating hours which has been difficult for the RSO’s. Discussed option of a fob entry with the addition of cameras,  but will discuss more at next meeting. Need to change out power switch on lobby furnace. Discussion of replacing the furnace or to get it inspected. All rubber mats have been replaced in the range. Keith proposed hosting a rimfire evening periodically, open to all indoor members. MOTION by Keith B., to reach out to a masonry contractor to get a quote on the foundation of the indoor range, seconded by Carlo M., carried.

Outdoor RangeWe are waiting to hear back from the CFO to set up a date to have the range recertified. The 25-yard target needs one post replaced.

Conservation CampTwo seats have been purchased for the Alberta camp.

ScholarshipsUpdate Bill’s contact number on the yearly newsletter.


Habitat/Gordon Leslie Project/Trout Ponds/Foster Property Windmill has been repaired and operating. We will need to purchase more isopropyl soon.

TrophiesNumbers are down for entries, but the winners have been selected and sent to Trophy Gallery.

Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show – Janelle did an interview with Prime Time Local News, floor plan is done. 192 tables booked.

Archery Club / Youth Center Regular shoot night are Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00-9:00pm. There are some other events coming up as well.

Banquet Goose is the only wild meat donated so far, we will reach out to the membership for donations of 40-60 lbs beef for making jerky. We will make a slideshow to acknowledge donations and promote our club to play that night. The application for the golf cart raffle is in progress but may not be approved in time for the banquet.

Fish Fry – NR

Gun Range Event CommitteeNR


Bills to be Paid

MOTION by Brian S., seconded by Scott N., to pay bills, carried.


Old Business:

  1. Dwayne D and Mike H. sent out a copy of the range orientation. No Update.
  2. Set up a raffle with a $600 fishing package, as per Keith’s motion. Need to purchase prize items.
  3. Bylaws update – Carlo is working on it.
  4. Website updating – New executive photo needed, add meeting minutes and update photos from Gun Show, Banquet, Conventions, and photo contest. Some pages have had information updated; some still need to be completed.
  5. Dwayne D. would like to host a GPS Course.


New Business:

  1. SWF Convention Feb. 13-15th. Dwayne, Larry, and Garry will attend. Please let Larry know if you would like to attend.
  2. AWF Convention Feb. 20-22nd. Dwayne will attend. Please let Dwayne know if you would like to attend.


MOTION for adjournment by Brian S.


Members present at meeting in person:

Dwayne Davison, Marissa McRae, Garry Cunningham, Larry Chambers, Bill Armstrong, Brian Sawtell, Scott Nahirniak, Fiona McRae, Joe Miazga, Carlo Monette, Mike Hynek, Wayne Burzinski, Ali Khan, Dave Deneschuk, Darrell Peters, Scott Nahirniak, Stan Daniel, Curly Hallan, Keith Zufelt.

Members present at meeting via Zoom:

Ian Peters, Ab England, Reid Ballek, Janelle Mysko, Sherry Lechasseur, Jackie Fowler.