President Dwayne D. called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm at the Grace United Church.


Minutes: Presented minutes from January 3, 2017 meeting.

MOTION by Brian S., seconded by Warren S., to adopt minutes from January 3 meeting, carried.


Financial Report:

MOTION by Larry C. to adopt financial report, seconded by Brian H, carried.



  1. Canadian Unlicensed Firearms Owners Association (CUFOA) is having a seminar in Saskatoon on May 6. $50.
  2. Thank you card from scholarship winner, Austin Johansson.


Committee Reports:

Memberships Garry C. – 1038 LDFGA, 189 Indoor Range, 408 Outdoor Range.


Youth Outdoor Activity DayJune 24, 2017

Indoor Range Septic tank was emptied same time as Youth Center. They will tell us how full it was.

Range has been fairly busy. About 6 – 8 people. Discussed finishing ducting.

Outdoor Range Waiting to hear back from CFO about 100 yd survey. Discussed having our own metal reactive targets for members.

Conservation Camp Discussed how many kids to send to AB and SK camps.

MOTION by Garry C. to send up to 4 kids to AB and 4 kids to SK conservation camps, seconded by Bill A., carried.

ScholarshipsBoth recipients were at the Banquet with their families.


Habitat NR

Hide Program Boxes still out.

Trout PondsNR

TrophiesDiscussed having better organization at the Banquet. Announce recipients with more than one award only once, rather than them going up multiple times. Also maybe have all winners on stage first then have them step forward to accept award.

Gun and Outdoor Sportsman Show Angeline J. – 250 tables with 64 exhibitors. Contract is up at Servus. Will look into prices at Servus Center and the Exhibition grounds.

Discussed reimbursing vendors that couldn’t make it due to medical reasons.

MOTION by Carlo M. to reimburse vendors that couldn’t attend Gun Show due to medical reasons, seconded by Gerry R., carried.

2426 people came through. Table Rent was about $14,540. Gross revenue for the Gun Show is about $38,798.75. No invoices for expenses yet, but expenses are usually about $12,000.

Archery Club / Youth Center Boy Scouts are coming out February 25.

Gordon Leslie ProjectNR

BanquetWent well. Auctions went well, especially the last-minute African Hunts. A lot of food left over – was donated. Some of the revenue is as follows: donations – $2250, Ticket Raffle – $1630, Silent Auction – $4397, Ping Pong – $4675, African Hunts – $11100, Ticket Sales – $12060. Don’t know expenses yet.

Fish Fry – April 20, 2017.


Bills to be Paid:

MOTION by Garry C. to pay outstanding bills, seconded by Trevor D., carried.

Old Business:

  1. Need to install panic doors in Indoor range. Will be done when installing new bench area. Need to follow up on non-conformance items. Archery Club will look after Youth center building checks and documentation.
  2. Dwayne D. will resend draft letter to the range committee for more feedback.
  3. Dwayne D. will book appointment to talk to SK MLA, Colleen Young.
  4. Camo Chair tickets about 25% sold. Will draw at Fish Fry. Dwayne D. will need all ticket books back by April 14.
  5. SWF Convention – Feb 16 – 18, 2017 – Reid B., Dwayne D., Garry C., and possibly Ian P.
    AFGA Convention – Feb 16 – 18, 2017 – Ab E., Gerry R., and Warren S.


New Business:

  1. Discussed amounts of donations to SWF and AFGA. We already donated $1500 to the FinS Program for SWF.

MOTION by Garry C. to donate $7000 for Habitat for each AFGA and SWF, $500 for Becoming and Outdoor Woman for each AFGA and SWF and $2500 to the Youth Camp for AFGA and $1000 to NASP for SWF, seconded by Warren S., carried.

  1. Reviewed budget.
  2. Warren S. to check into an outhouse for Outdoor Range.


MOTION for adjournment by Garry C.


Present at Meeting: Dwayne D, Larry C, Gwen B, Bill A, Jeff F, Brian S, Daryl L, Garry C, Gerry R, Ab E, Warren S, Brian H, Trevor D, Angeline J and Carlo M.




Next Meeting                                   February 28, 2017            7:30 PM               GRACE UNITED CHURCH